Sunday, July 17, 2011

Stem and Leaf Plots

Stem and leaf plots use data sets and put the first number in the first column and following numbers in the second column. This is a good way to also see the frequency among the data set. In this one, we see that income in the 300's is way more frequent than that of the 600s.

Box Plots

Box plots use data sets to show how particular sets of data within that group compare. In this one, it compares 3 machines and energy produced. Machine 3 was the highest, while 4 was the lowest.


Histograms show the frequency of a certain statistic across time or within span a numerical data. This is an example of a histogram using test scores and the frequency that a particular score was given.

Parallel Coordinate Graph

Parallel coordinate graphs use multiple variables in parallel lines to show the correlation between them. This is an example of one.

Triangular Plots

Triangular plots show 3 different variables and use the three different points on the triangle to represent each. This one shows three political party allegiances and how they project(the dot) using the statistics within.


Windrose charts use a compass like projection of winds and wind speeds. This is the Washington windrose.


Climographs, like this one, use two separate variables to display climate patterns. This one shows temperature (red) and precipitation (blue) in Memphis.